Praise Dance Central is on Periscope! 3 Tips about how to flow with your minstrels

3 Tips about how to flow with your minstrels

The power of demonstration

Praise Dance Lesson

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. (Jude 1:23)

I want to focus on the last portion of this verse. Back in the day, the Children of Israel were not allowed to mix fabric in their garments. God wanted them to constantly be reminded that He did not want them to be brought into contact by anything that will pollute them. God hates and will always hate sin that contaminates our lives. God also required them to perform other actions as well such as keeping days and feasts; dietary laws and all of the other laws. Why did God do this?

God is a God of demonstration and power. God likes to teach us and help us remember His Word by using all kinds of demonstration. He does this to keep His word in our faces.

As Dance Ministers we have the important task of helping to keep God’s Word in the face of the people. How? Because we are demonstrators of His Word.  We remind people of God’s Word when we minister. We also comfort them and encourage them with it. This is the responsibility of every believer. Beloved, dance and minister the Word! Allow God to powerfully use you as His demonstration in the earth for the up-building of His people and as a witness to pull those out of the danger of hell fire with the message of Jesus Christ.

Lesson #10 – Are you a good dance minister of Jesus Christ?

Dance Ministry lesson #10

Are you a good (dance) minister of Jesus Christ?

Study 1Timothy chapter 4

Here we find some virtues, disciplines and characteristics of a good minister of Jesus Christ.

Read the rest of this entry

Godly attitudes toward leadership in ministry

Watch this video and be empowered to serve!

Watch “Work your 360! Be less digital and more present…” on YouTube