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Liturgical Dance Ministries

Dance Ministries


Acclamation Dance Ministry

 Appointed Praise

Caribbean Christian Dance Network

Chrisma Dance Company

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Tips on Worship Banners and Flags




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Starting an Arts Ministry – Praise Dance, Pantomime, Drama

Starting and Arts Ministry


“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: the watchman waketh but in vain.”

Psalms 127:1


The truth of the matter is no one starts a ministry or should try to start a ministry. God is the one who starts ministries and gives the workers the grace to operate in it. A great example of this is in the book of Nehemiah. God made all of the provisions and graced Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of the city in Jerusalem. God had put it in his heart to do it (Nehemiah 2:12).

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Step Ministry – Praise Dancing

What is Step Ministry?


A step team is a group of people who, with synchronized stomping feet, clapping hands, and body movements, create complicated beats, which is sometimes accompanied by music. Step is ministered in the church or public setting to the glory of God!


Some Step Ministries

A Chosen Few Step Ministry
Nubian Gents

Saint Mark Baptist Church
Youth In Praise

Pageantry Ministry – Worship and Praise Dance with Flags


Through Flags, Banners, and Movement


The History of Flags and Banners (Standards)


Through out history banners, standards and flags played an important role in military history. Their function is to embody the spirit

of the regiment, to provide a focus of belonging and loyalty amongst the troops. They were (and are still) paraded before the troops

regularly and with great ceremony to ensure that each man can readily recognize and bond with the colors of his regiment and

therefore know whom to follow on the battlefield or where their home base is.


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